I feel richer now than I felt on my corporate salary, because of the freedom of doing things my way!"
Sarah Bradley – Leeds South

Blog: HR Professionals

Have You Thought About Buying an Established HR Business?

It’s been almost 20 years since we started franchising which means some of our earliest licensees are now looking to sell their businesses and move onto the next chapter. In the first six months of 2024, we sold four HR Dept businesses, two of w...


Three Reasons Why HR Professionals Make Great Franchisees

If you have pursued a career in HR for some years, you’ll know that it is a no one-size-fits-all kind of profession. Many experienced HR professionals have climbed the ladder within a corporate setting, perhaps starting off with basic administra...


HR Professionals more ambitious than the average UK worker

Credit to you guys! As HR professionals, you’re per this nationwide survey more ambitious than the average UK worker. 83% of HR people consider themselves to be ambitious. And so you should be. Because nobody is going to get you where you want to b...


42% of HR professionals yearn for a good work-life balance

That means almost half in the profession feel they work too long and see their families too little. Not great news then for parents, carers, and others who’re becoming exhausted by the corporate lifestyle. HR professionals tend to be the ones spend...